How to Fix McAfee Virus Scan Error 1603?

McAfee Virus Scan Error Code 1603 generates when the users are facing any technical issues or errors while downloading and installing the McAfee antivirus security software product. Generally, this technical error can occur on the Windows screen of your operating system due to an incomplete installation of McAfee antivirus security software, which can cover the way for the demolition of the functionality of your PC.

Therefore, it has become the requirement to sort out this issue as soon as possible with the steps mentioned below. Concurrently, we will also share the main causes and symptoms which are accountable for the occurrence of this technical error 1603.

Symptoms of McAfee Virus Scan Error 1603

Some of the common symptoms of McAfee Virus scan error 1603 are given below-

Windows screen of your OS freezes for a short period of time.
It might destroy your active windows program system.
It might be crashed the performance of your computer.
These technical errors frequently pop up on your system screen.
The functionality of your system might be slow down for a moment.
Cannot access the computer system in a congruent way.
Causes of McAfee Virus Scan Error1603

Below mentioned causes are the most common causes that can be occurred due to many reasons. the causes are given below:

When the installation process of the McAfee antivirus software is not completed on your system, then it can become the source of this error 1603.
The harmful interruption of malware such as Trojans, spyware to your system might be a reason to create this error code 1603.
The deletion of any of the files and folders from your system even can cause this trouble.
when you download any corrupted files and folders then the Windows operating system might also be destroyed.
When the Windows registry of your operating system becomes corrupted and damaged, then it can destruct your system files, which can also result in the dawn of this error.
These causes might be damaged to your system, so it is important to keep your eye on track only to find out when and where the error occurred. This process helps you in finding the error in less time with fewer efforts.

Procedure to Fix McAfee Virus Scan Error 1603

The below-given procedure is easy to follow and less time consuming and helps you in resolving your problem. To avoid trouble try to follow the steps in a given sequence or for any technical support you can also visit The steps are mentioned below-

Clean Out your System Junk with Disk Cleanup

After a time, the computer system collects the junk files from the normal web surfing and from the use of the system. If this junk doesn’t clean out after a specified time, then it can cause McAfee VirusScan and respond slowly or occurring a 1603 error, generally, it is due to file conflicts or an overloaded hard drive.

How to run Disk Cleanup (cleanmgr)

First, Click on the “Start” button.
Type the word “Command” in the search box option.
“Do Not” click on the‘ENTER’ button yet!
While holding together “CTRL+Shift” on your keyboard, and press the ‘ENTER” button.
You will be prompted with a “Permission Dialog Box”.
Click on the “Yes” button.
A “black box” will appear and open with a “blinking cursor’ on your screen.
Type the word”cleanmgr” and press the “ENTER” button.
“Disk Cleanup” will start calculating how much of the disk occupied space you can reclaim.
So, the Disk Cleanup dialog box will appear on the screen with the series of checkboxes you can select. In most of the cases, the “Temporary Files” category will occupy most of the disk space.
Check the boxes of all the categories that you want to clean and then, click on the ‘OK” button.
After completing the above-mentioned procedure you are able to fix the error 1603. But still, if you are facing any of the problems regarding the error 1603 then you can contact the McAfee customer support. The experts of McAfee are available 24*7 to assist you and help you with your each and every problem related to McAfee. For instant help, dial the toll-free number of McAfee customer support or visit



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