
Showing posts from May, 2018

Learn How to Get Rid of McAfee Error code 12152?

McAfee antivirus software provides protection against online infections and malware. It is a security program for the desktop, laptop, and mobile phone users. Sometimes, users may face any common error while using this security software. With respect to that,  today we are discussing McAfee Error 12152. This error is usually caused due to the presence of misconfigured system files in the User’s computer system. It is a standard format which is used by Windows as well as other Microsoft compatible software. It is essential for users to know about the leading cause of this error occurrence on their computer systems. Windows corrupted system file entries can instantly threaten the well-being of the functioning process of the user’s computer system. Apart from this, there also may be other events that can cause this error. WHY MCAFEE ERROR CODE 12152 OCCURS? Some common causes for this error, such as-improper or incomplete deletion of programs, hardware, and incomplete installation...

5 Tips to Keep Personal Information Safe and Secure while surfing the Internet

Let’s be frank: Most of us are in favor of not to think about who watches and what we do on the Internet. What’re the harms of using the social media, when someone might be looking at my family pictures on Facebook? Well, there might be a lot of harms for using the social media. Do you really want that everyone in the world can see the pictures of your kids? or you’re on a family trip and not at home? What about potential cybercrime that cobbling together and steal the identity of your personal information or data? One of the main reason is that to make you aware of the anti-viruses software that makes your online surfing secure and safe. Sometimes, only downloading the Anti-virus software on your device is not enough, you also need to secure your device from other threats which cannot easily hack the personal details or the confidential documents from your device. If you are connected to the internet connection, there are a number of chances that you might face the hacking proble...